“Your Majesty, I have invented a highly-profitable machine that pumps up water to irrigate arable lands extremely easily at a low cost. The machine ejects water continuously from its 20 nozzles by merely using the power of one horse. However, it has taken a considerable amount of trouble and expenses to invent the machine, so I do not wish to make it a common property for all people. Therefore, I would like to ask Your Majesty respectfully to kindly grant me a favor that Your Majesty would grant to any producer in a factory. That is, to ensure that all people, except for me and my posterity or those who obtained the right from me or my posterity, would be prohibited from producing that new machine, and even if they did produce it, they would be prohibited from using it or applying it for a different purpose by changing its shape and by using water or other materials, for either a period of 40 years or a period that Your Majesty deems appropriate. And, I would like Your Majesty to fine those who violate this with an amount that Your Majesty would deem appropriate, and grant a part of that amount to me. If Your Majesty would kindly grant me this favor, I will serve Your Majesty faithfully by making more diligent efforts to create new inventions for the welfare of society.”
「第一条 この法律は、発明の保護及び利用を図ることにより、発明を奨励し、もつて産業の発達に寄与することを目的とする。」と規定している。発明の保護とは、特許権による保護であり、特許法第68条に規定されている。
「第六十八条 特許権者は、業として特許発明の実施をする権利を専有する。ただし、その特許権について専用実施権を設定したときは、専用実施権者がその特許発明の実施をする権利を専有する範囲については、この限りでない。」
米国旧特許庁の玄関には、元米国大統領リンカーンの “The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius”(特許制度は、天才の火に利益という油を注いだ)という一節が刻まれているという(注1)。